Patient Journeys

My Mummy Tummy Journey
About me Name: Sonali Shah Procedure: Using macom® garments to avoid diastasis recti Profession: Freelance TV broadcaster on BBC Sport, BBC Crime watch, The National Lottery Live and Radio presenter My Journey Every woman’s...
My Mummy Tummy Journey
About me Name: Sonali Shah Procedure: Using macom® garments to avoid diastasis recti Profession: Freelance TV broadcaster on BBC Sport, BBC Crime watch, The National Lottery Live and Radio presenter My Journey Every woman’s...

My Pregnancy Journey
Nadja's story About me Name: Nadja Age: 35 years old Height: 5ft 6 Pregnancy journey: Baby number 1 (hopefully natural birth) How many months pregnant: 8 months Pre-pregnancy bra size:...
My Pregnancy Journey
Nadja's story About me Name: Nadja Age: 35 years old Height: 5ft 6 Pregnancy journey: Baby number 1 (hopefully natural birth) How many months pregnant: 8 months Pre-pregnancy bra size:...

My VASER Liposuction Journey
Jasmine's story About me (pre-op. info) Name:...
My VASER Liposuction Journey
Jasmine's story About me (pre-op. info) Name:...

My Breast Augmentation Recovery Journey
At macom®, we believe in the benefit and power of personal testimonials. Our Patient Journeys are a chance for those who have undergone cosmetic surgery and used our compression garments...
My Breast Augmentation Recovery Journey
At macom®, we believe in the benefit and power of personal testimonials. Our Patient Journeys are a chance for those who have undergone cosmetic surgery and used our compression garments...

My Breast Uplift Journey
For this Patient Journey, Amy shared her experience with getting a breast uplift with implants. She explains why she decided to get a breast lift and how she planned for...
My Breast Uplift Journey
For this Patient Journey, Amy shared her experience with getting a breast uplift with implants. She explains why she decided to get a breast lift and how she planned for...

My Breast Enlargement Journey
A breast enlargement patient shares their journey from deciding on the procedure to their results. In My Breast Enlargement Journey, you can read about the breast augmentation compression bras chosen...
My Breast Enlargement Journey
A breast enlargement patient shares their journey from deciding on the procedure to their results. In My Breast Enlargement Journey, you can read about the breast augmentation compression bras chosen...

Read our breast guide
All you need to know about breast augmentation, breast reduction & breast uplift surgery.